Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How I Landed My Teaching Jobs

My name is Linda and I have been teaching for 27 years. My first job was in the South Bronx and my second teaching job was at the Jersey Shore. The South Bronx job lasted for 9 years until I moved to New Jersey. I am currently still teaching in New Jersey at that second job. My teaching experience includes first grade, second grade, third grade and now basic skills for math and language arts for grades 1-5.

I landed my first teaching job by graduating from school and looking at the local district papers. It just so happened that I knew a secretary that worked at the district office. As soon as a job posted, she immediately contacted me. I put in my resume and letter of intent and was called within 2 days for an interview. The job was in the South Bronx so there weren't many people knocking down the door to get the position. However, there were a few applicants, so I had to prove to be the best. Confidence was a must. Walking in with my head held high, briefcase in hand and dressed professionally, I dazzled my pearly whites and never stumbled on an answer. The job was mine. I entered the third grade class where there were 35 of the most unruly children I had ever seen. My first reaction was, what did i get myself into. Then I took charge by getting their attention and being the best I can be! I worked in that school for 9 years before I moved to another state.

I landed my first teaching job because I possess these qualities: confidence, assertiveness, kindness and knowledge.

Finding a teaching job can be hard, but here is some advice to make it easier. I can't stress enough the importance of confidence. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you! Smiling helps your appearance. It goes without saying that your clothing also plays a role in how administrators view you. I also found that having a portfolio with accomplishments helped me land my first job and definitely my secon job. I had pictures of bulletin boards I created, notes from parents, children and administrators, and student accomplishments. It doesn't hurt to compliment the school you are interviewing at. Most importantly, be yourself and show who you are. You are the best!
This post is part of the Teaching Jobs Portal: “How to land a Teacher Job”. What was your journey like to become a teacher? If you’d like to share your experience with other aspiring teachers please see this post for more information.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hope for the Future

Education has changed over the last few decades, and I have been around to witness it; however, this past year has shown me more change than I've ever witnessed. I work with a young woman who has inspired me in my profession more so than I've felt in years. I thought I was on my way out, tired of teaching, but not anymore. This young teacher has revived my passion for teaching, for she has shown me so many different ways to teach. It is so much fun entering her classroom to work with her. The young, energetic teachers of today give me hope for the future of American education. Their innovative and motivational ways to teach are helping our children in more ways than ever before!

This post is part of the MAT@USC Hope for the holidays event. Did you experience or witness something in 2009 that gave you hope for the future of American education? If so, please see this post for more information on how to share it.